Pregnancy Updates

First Post! We’re Pregnant!

January 23, 2017

Welcome to my pregnancy (and beyond!) blog.

When my husband and I decided to start a family we had no idea what an emotional journey we were about to embark on. It took 402 days to get that positive pregnancy test. You spend so much time trying not to get pregnant and it never occurs to you that it might not be so easy once you start trying. I’ve lost count of the boxes of ovulation strips & pregnancy test strips I have purchased over the past year. It was so discouraging.

After a year of trying we had our first “infertility” meeting with my OBGYN to begin testing for potential problems. I went in to that meeting in “battle mode.” Expecting the worst and telling myself answers were better than not knowing and whatever the results we would get through it. At the end of the appointment, my doctor wanted me to take a pregnancy test “just to check.” I was so angry with her. I didn’t want to take it. I knew it would be negative and I was so sick of that sinking feeling. After taking the test my husband and I were told to wait in the waiting room. A few minutes later a nurse walked up to us proudly displaying the stick in her hand. I looked down at it and saw two lines, I didn’t even know what that meant, I was so used to seeing negative test results. She said “You’re Pregnant!” and I just kept saying “I don’t understand” over and over. It took me several moments to actually let it sink in that this was possible, that maybe we had made it to the light at the other end of the tunnel. And then I just burst into tears of relief.

I credit Eastern Medicine for helping me get pregnant in the end. After several suggestions from friends to see an acupuncturist we got pregnant 2 months after I started working with her. She was able to teach me things about my digestive health, BBT testing & tracking and treat me in ways I don’t think my OBGYN did. Maybe i’ll discuss my thoughts on this further in another post as I wish I had looked into alternative medicine sooner and maybe saved myself some months of agony.

On a brighter note, I hope you enjoy my updates that I hope to post a few times a week regarding everything pregnancy from bump updates, to maternity fashion, to favorite products to nursery decor!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!



The swaddle blanket is from one of my fave female run small businesses, Modern Burlap

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