If you follow me on social media than you saw our announcement last night that we are having a sweet little girl. We were already expecting this news but it’s nice to know for sure. Between the morning sickness and the way I was carrying all the old wives tales pointed to girl. Also, as I was puking up ice cream cake last week, Tim said to me frowning from the doorway, “It’s going to be a girl. She’s clearly an anorexic Cali girl.” It’s true, our girl seems to be such a Cali snob. If it’s not organic fruits and vegetables or simple protein she’s not interested. All my favorite foods – donuts, pizza, fries, ice cream, candy & chips she has me puke up. I’m currently CRAVING going back on Whole30. hahaha. I just don’t have the energy for the food prep at the moment.

Although Tim’s hopes for his first born being a boy have been dashed he’s coming around. He’s already trying out a name he seems to like which is sweet.
I’m loving all the little girl clothing boutiques i’m finding. I really want to focus on shopping small, female based entrepreneur shops that make ethically sourced clothes. For our style, we prefer neutrals & soft colors – grey, beige, blues & soft purples. I don’t want a ton of pink. I prefer gender neutral clothing as well.
Here’s a few of my favorites clothing boutiques recently discovered:
They have adorable bibs, bows and pacifier/teething toy clips

I can not get over how cute these ethically made baby clothes are.

Mom of 4 based in Sand Diego. Want to purchase every playsuit she has.

And of course, something for dad as well.