Today I had my 16 week check up and second trimester blood test (for any abnormalities). I didn’t get an ultrasound this time but I did get to hear the heartbeat and we could also hear some punches and kicks 🙂 This little one is super active! I’ve already been feeling the “butterflies” of baby moving for the past few weeks.
I weigh 2lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. My doctor was concerned I wasn’t eating enough but i’m pretty sure it’s the lack of wine bloat that’s contributing to the weight loss 😉
I haven’t thrown up in the last two days (and so far so good today!) which is huge progress. I’m really hoping i’ve turned the corner. Right now, I don’t really have many craving, mostly just food aversions and nothing ever sounds good. I can get about 5-10 bites in of a meal and then I can’t have any more or i’ll get sick so i’m doing lots of constant snacking. Luckily, fruits and veggies usually sound better to me over sweets and processed foods. I had plain greek yogurt with canned chopped pineapple for dessert last night and thought it was one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. Tim also made me green bean “french fries” roasting string green beans in the oven for 25 minutes with olive oil, salt and pepper on top. So yummy!!!
That said, this is probably the closest i’ve had to a pregnancy craving so far – coconut milk vanilla ice cream, potato chips and chocolate wafers. Not my finest moment but it was delicious 😉

We also announced our pregnancy on social media over the weekend. Here’s the photo that was my husband’s idea. I didn’t have to shower or change so I was fine with it.

Great, bing took me stright here. thanks btw for this. Cheers!