Hi Mommas,
I don’t know about you but I am SO READY for spring. Evelyn and I have cabin fever and are desperate to get outside to play and explore. Now that she’s fully mobil, and with a newfound love of splashing in puddles, spending money on boutique priced baby clothes no longer makes sense. Our days are filled with digging in dirt and sand, painting, water play and practicing eating independently (while refusing to wear a bib). So I’ve given up on buying her nice outfits that are expensive. We mostly rock hand-me-downs these days but I do like to have at least a few outfits that I pick out for her that are new. So I’m sharing some of our “affordable” play clothes friendly shops. Disclaimer – these are *affordable* compared to the prices I was paying in for “boutique” styled baby clothes.

Primary Clothing – I love these simple but colorful play clothes. I found with the boutique clothes we barely got any wear out of them because I was so precious about her wearing them. But her primary clothes are play clothes that still look good and match. I have a few of their sweatsuit sets, tops and PJs. I love the tunic top with leggings, so cute! I wait until they’re having a major sale which happens maybe every quarter? I’ve scored a sale where every piece was $5 each.

June & January – Super cute and simple play clothes. They have a lot of perks and sales and I’ll usually wait until everything is $10 or less. They do sell out really fast. I’m in some of their private Facebook groups so I have a heads up on when new styles are coming and the drop date.

H&M – While I can never seem to figure out my sizing with them, their kids clothes are really cute. They have some organic clothes, pima cotton basics and onesies and a “conscious” line. They had a lot of neutral pieces that I loved when Evelyn was little because we weren’t big on pink for her. My favorite was a cute light grey cashmere sweater and bottoms set. Their clothes I feel run big. She’s in a 2T for every brand but H&M, where the 12-18 month clothes are still big on her! So I like that this is one of the few brands where I’ll get several months (at least 6 but usually more) wear out of them. Evelyn is in the 97% for height and I still have to roll up the pants, they are also baggy on her but she is 50% for weight. So this might be a nice brand to try if you have a bigger baby and feel other clothing stores run too small.

Zara – Same feedback as H&M. Not on the sizes but on the stylish clothes at a better price point. Still a bit pricey but again, I usually wait for the sale.
Old Navy – I’m really trying to quit fast fashion but Old Navy does have really cute options. I’ll put stuff in my cart online when their new season of clothes drops and then wait until they are having a 40% off everything sale (which they do about every few weeks) and pull the trigger on buying the clothes. I really like the jeans here – they are on the tighter side- but that works for E. They also have a section of their website with multiple options for mommy and me and family matching outfits, YES PLEASE.
What are some of your favorite stores to shop at for your little? Let me know in the comments below! I’m always on the prowl.
Below are some cute throwback photos of her rocking these brands. When did she get so big!!!
Xo, M
H&M Sweater & Top Primary Top, H&M Jeans Old Navy Jean Jacket & Leggings H&M Sweater, Old Navy Bloomers Primary Sweatsuit in Mauve Old Navy Top, Primary Leggings Old Navy Romper, Primary Cardigan Zara Kids H&M Kids T-Shirt Zara Kids <3