Hi Gals! Today I wanted to share my tips for building a Newborn Capsule Wardrobe. You may have seen in other blog posts that i’m really trying to adapt a minimalist lifestyle. A huge part of that is having a capsule wardrobe for myself and baby. Below are my tips and what we purchased for Evelyn’s Newborn Capsule Wardrobe.
Before purchasing, pick a color scheme. This way, you can mix & match everything purchased. For Evelyn, I chose grey, white, sage, blue, and some pops of lavender and mauve.

4 Long Sleeve Bodysuits – All of ours are from L’oved Baby. So soft and the colors are so pretty. There are more buttons than we’d like though… (*Update, I ordered 0-3 sizing which Evelyn outgrew at 12 weeks. I re-ordered in 3-6mo and they aren’t much bigger. So if you are expecting a 10lb baby I would order 3-6mo and baby should grow into them quickly vs 0-3. Hope that helps!)

4 Short Sleeve bodysuits – Most from L’oved Baby. So soft and the colors are so pretty. Same tips as above. Also, I have some from Kyte Baby, again SO SOFT. FYI, Kyte Baby has less buttons to deal with.

2 Kimono Shirts – when she just won’t stop pooping – put the kimono on and a diaper for the easiest of access for changes.

4 -6 Leggings – Some fleece for at night/colder days and some lighter ones during the day. The fleece ones we have are Gap hand me down. The lighter ones are from L’oved baby.
4 to 6 Sleepers –
Magnetic Me – A little pricey by WORTH it. We have a sleep sack and coverall and she wears both multiple times a week. Plus the material is SO SOFT. These were a godsent during her newborn stage & multiple diaper changes.
Boody Baby – Sustainable eco-friendly clothing for parents & babies. Evelyn has their PJs and again SO SOFT. Also, there are two zippers, 1 goes up and 1 goes down. So you can just unzip the bottom half for middle of the night changes. BRILLIANT.
What i’ve learned, if it doesn’t have a zipper, magnet closure or is a gown forget about it. 10 + buttons at 3am when you’re trying to get the baby back to sleep during a diaper change is hell. Also, my experience is if there’s more than 3 buttons husband’s find an excuse to not have diaper/changing duty. The husband only uses the magnet and zipper PJs.
Socks – We bought this simple set of white & grey socks.
Hats -We have 3 from the hospital we used, one that came with her Magnetic Me Sleeper that was so cute and a Kyte baby one. I also just bought her some super cute turbans that i’m obsessed with and help cover up her unfortunate bald spots and cradle cap.
Bows – I purchased matching bows and pacifier clips from Loved By Sophia Claire. They are so cute, work with any outfit and I love that they aren’t super “frilly”.
Things I have and didn’t need:
Mittens – the nurses and lactation consultants advised against us using them. They said it got in the way of breastfeeding. Also, all of her clothes have built in flaps on the sleeves to make little mittens. If you are having a baby in the winter maybe it makes sense but in CA there was no need.
Fabric Bibs & Bandanas – So cute but she didn’t need them until 10 weeks. If you’re trying to save some money and spread out your purchases you can wait on the bibs/bandanas.
“Outfits” – 1) You’re barely going to leave your house. 2) You both are in this daze of sleeping, eating, diaper changes and going back to sleep. You want easily accessable clothes to change baby as fast as possible and for both of you to get back to bed – no matter what time of day it is. 3) Baby will be swaddled for the first few weeks so you won’t see what’s underneath. You can get a few if you want, we started leaving the house more regularly around 4 weeks, but it’s rare she needs an occasion to be dressed up for.
Shoes – Love the ones I have and am holding on to them for when she’s a bit older but again, if you’re looking for ways to spread your budget, this isn’t something you need to purchase right away.
I hope this helps any soon-to-be mamas out there!